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EMDR in the Treatment of Eating Disorders developed by Pam Virdi

 We are very happy that Pam Virdi has offered to be involved our regional CPD training , however we need to ensure we can offer enough participants for her to deliver this, and would be grateful if you would let us know if this is something you potentially would attend. It would consist of  Four separate 2- hour Webinars on the Utilisation of EMDR in the Treatment of Eating Disorders developed by Pam Virdi. 

A brief outline of the training ‘Eating Disorders are complex multifaceted conditions with physical, social and psychological ramifications. Obsessive concern about food, weight, and appearance, inappropriate eating behaviour and body image distortions are threads that run through anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. This series of seminars will provide participants with a roadmap for assessing, engaging and treating clients with eating difficulties in a safe, efficient and organised manner. The content is applicable to adults and teenagers.’