Next event.
Date: Friday 16th July 3-5pm. EMDR and resources part two - how to store resources. Presenter: John Campbell-Beattie, Accredited EMDR Consultant.
The purpose of EMDR South West is to support EMDR Therapists in the South West by arranging affordable, accessible CPD opportunities to meet accreditation requirements, plus networking and, when appropriate, to raise funds to support charities of choice.
Call for workshop providers
We are seeking local EMDR practitioners who would like to facilitate a workshop - we have three slots to fill 3-5pm on 24th September, 19th November and 21st January. It will be lovely to have local people sharing their areas of practice.
Equally if you are interested in encouraging a national speaker please help us by contacting the speaker to see if they are interested and then putting us in touch.
Please email us on
Recordings of workshops available to buy