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 EMDR South West Workshops

The fee for all events is £20. All proceeds will be donated to Trauma Aid UK or a charity of the presenter’s choice. The workshop presentation will be recorded but not the question and answer sessions. Recordings of the workshop will be available for one month. No refunds will be made Your consent to recording will be assumed if you attend the live event.
Date: Friday 16th April 3-5pm
EMDR and resources part one - resources as we understand them, including differences between adult, child, adolescent and young person resourcing.
Presenter: John Campbell-Beattie, Accredited EMDR Consultant.
Date: Friday 14th May 3-5pm
The use of the EMDR Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol (R-TEP) with intensive care survivors experiencing Post Intensive Care Syndrome
Presenter: Rachel Clarke, Accredited EMDR Consultant.
Date: Friday 16th July 3-5pm
EMDR and resources part two - how to store resources.
Presenter: John Campbell-Beattie, Accredited EMDR Consultant.
All workshops have been awarded 2 CPD points each
Booking links are in the relevant posts on this page.

 All three workshops have been awarded 2 CPD pointes each