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EMDR South West AGM and Workshop - an Introduction to Calm and Zoom Friday 29th January 2021 3-5pm

The workshop an Introduction to Calm and Zoom Resourcing Group will be facilitated by Alex Way, integrative therapist and an accredited EMDR Practitioner and Consultant in training. In offering an introduction to the Calm and Zoom Resourcing Group Alex will cover: the underlying principles of working short term and offering stabilising and resourcing techniques, a brief overview of the One at a Time Model (promoted by Windy Dryden) and some principles from Mental Health First Aid and Psychological First Aid.  The workshop utilizes the Calm and Zoom model to look at explaining, demonstrating and practicing stabilising and resourcing techniques and strategies. The areas covered will include: Window of Tolerance (Dr Dan Siegel), Elements Exercise, Special Place, Dual attention, Calm Kits (Psychological First Aid Kit) and letter to our future self.

As part of the AGM there will be a short report from the Treasurer and from the Chair. If anyone would like to join the committee (we are always looking for new members) please let us know either by email, messaging or say at the meeting. We would also like feedback or any thoughts on what EMDR South West can offer for the coming year.

We need fifteen members to attend to be quorate and to be able to continue to operate as a regional group.  Booking is available here:


 Justin Havens has asked us to circulate information about a webinar happening also on the 29th January - obviously the EMDR South west one is the most important however you can access this one via a recording: This webinar by the founder of the Flash Technique (Dr Phil Manfield) has been run several times in person and online, and Flash is a well established approach for use during EMDR preparation and desensitisation to reduce the SUD’s of intense traumatic memories. The webinar costs about £95 (its booked in US dollars) and includes 6 UK EMDR CPD points if you book the option with a quiz (the more expensive option $129).

The morning is recorded with myself providing Q and A support, and the US team joins for the live segment in the afternoon, which includes Dr Manfield working with challenging cases live.
To register, please use this link:
All handouts and access to the recording are available too.