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 We have taken the decision to postpone EMDR South West, Networking lunch, AGM and Workshop “What do I do now?” (Alternatives in EMDR) until Friday 4th March. All ticket holders will be contacted and refunds will be available if you prefer to cancel. If you wish to book for the new date (which will be updated on Eventbrite shortly) you can do so here Booking

 EMDR South West, Networking lunch, AGM and Workshop “What do I do now?” (Alternatives in EMDR). Friday 21st January 1-5pm. Buckfast Conference Centre. This is an in-person event and will not be recorded. Charge £15 (which will include lunch). Book by 1st January 2022 (there will be no cancellations or refunds possible after this date)

The workshop will offer a broad understanding of resource processes that can be used and different methods of how to develop them. Examples of areas covered are: How to recognize Occam’s Razor, and have a better understanding of left and right brain activities. How to make it easy for client’s to provide answers. Alternative actions when a client cannot find an image and understand the role of somatic issues. How to use floatback or bridging strategies. Understand working with constant BLS, How to deal with a fixed gaze, looping, its causes and strategies for closing an incomplete session. This will be an interactive workshop working in groups together with a presentation. Please can you let us know of any dietary requirements. Handouts and an evaluation form will be emailed prior to the event.

AGM 21st January at Buckfast Conference Centre

 Breaking news - details are still to be confirmed but our agm, lunch and a networking event is being planned for Friday 21st January 2021 1pm until about 4pm at Buckfast Conference Centre - make a note in your diary and once it is all confirmed we will provide further information and open booking.

EMDR in the Treatment of Eating Disorders developed by Pam Virdi

 We are very happy that Pam Virdi has offered to be involved our regional CPD training , however we need to ensure we can offer enough participants for her to deliver this, and would be grateful if you would let us know if this is something you potentially would attend. It would consist of  Four separate 2- hour Webinars on the Utilisation of EMDR in the Treatment of Eating Disorders developed by Pam Virdi. 

A brief outline of the training ‘Eating Disorders are complex multifaceted conditions with physical, social and psychological ramifications. Obsessive concern about food, weight, and appearance, inappropriate eating behaviour and body image distortions are threads that run through anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. This series of seminars will provide participants with a roadmap for assessing, engaging and treating clients with eating difficulties in a safe, efficient and organised manner. The content is applicable to adults and teenagers.’

 We had three workshop dates pencilled in but we have decided to cancel the ones on 24th September and 19th November. The next planned event is the AGM on 21st January. Take care

EMDR South West apologies for the technical issue that resulted in the workshop: EMDR and resources part two - how to store resources scheduled for the 16th July not going ahead. It has been rescheduled to the 30th July 3-5pm. The link is usually sent out on the day because otherwise someone has to individually go through and check who has registered and who needs the link sending out. We usually close the booking on the day and then send out the link to everyone who has booked.. For this event we are going to try to send out the link one time in advance and once again on the day.

It does not seem possible to put the link into the email that Eventbrite send out to confirm registration. The same is true when someone purchases the recording. It is difficult getting our head around all the technology but please rest assured you will receive the link for live events on the day and the link for recordings once one of us has had the time to pick up the email confirming you have paid and then send out the link - hopefully it will be the same day but there might be a slight delay.

Thank you for bearing with us. EMDR South West

 Next event.

Date: Friday 16th July 3-5pm. EMDR and resources part two - how to store resources. Presenter: John Campbell-Beattie, Accredited EMDR Consultant.

The booking link is in the posts below

 EMDR Southwest Newsletter Vol One 2021

Please read and share.

Thank you to Sally for putting this together. It is a lovely read


If you have anything for the next edition or any feedback or comments please email us on

 Call for workshop providers

We are seeking local EMDR practitioners who would like to facilitate a workshop - we have three slots to fill 3-5pm on 24th September, 19th November and 21st January. It will be lovely to have local people sharing their areas of practice.

Equally if you are interested in encouraging a national speaker please help us by contacting the speaker to see if they are interested and then putting us in touch.

Please email us on

Recordings of workshops available to buy

These are the links if you would like to buy a recording of the workshop

The cost is £20 for each workshop. Each have been awarded 2 CPD points.

Once you have paid you will receive a receipt and the link for the recording will be sent within 24 hours.

 Resources part one


EMDR and Resources Part 1

 If you click on the paypal link you should be able to pay £20 for the recording. If you send the receipt to we will send you a zoom link for 30 days access to the recording. Hopefully it will all work. Workshop recording

 The use of the EMDR Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol (R-TEP) with intensive care survivors experiencing Post Intensive Care Syndrome.

We are not tech savvy but we think we have found a way for people to purchase the workshop recording. If you click on the paypal link you should be able to pay £20 for the recording. If you send the receipt to we will send you a zoom link for 30 days access to the recording. Hopefully it will all work. Recording of workshop

 EMDR South West Workshops

The fee for all events is £20. All proceeds will be donated to Trauma Aid UK or a charity of the presenter’s choice. The workshop presentation will be recorded but not the question and answer sessions. Recordings of the workshop will be available for one month. No refunds will be made Your consent to recording will be assumed if you attend the live event.
Date: Friday 16th April 3-5pm
EMDR and resources part one - resources as we understand them, including differences between adult, child, adolescent and young person resourcing.
Presenter: John Campbell-Beattie, Accredited EMDR Consultant.
Date: Friday 14th May 3-5pm
The use of the EMDR Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol (R-TEP) with intensive care survivors experiencing Post Intensive Care Syndrome
Presenter: Rachel Clarke, Accredited EMDR Consultant.
Date: Friday 16th July 3-5pm
EMDR and resources part two - how to store resources.
Presenter: John Campbell-Beattie, Accredited EMDR Consultant.
All workshops have been awarded 2 CPD points each
Booking links are in the relevant posts on this page.

 All three workshops have been awarded 2 CPD pointes each

 Booking link for EMDR and Resources Part 1 on 16th April 3-5pm

Apologies to those of you waiting to access the recording - we are new to this process and trying to divide the work up between us - it should be with you by the end of the week


EMDR South West Workshops

The fee for all events will be £20.  All proceeds will be donated to Trauma Aid UK or a charity of the presenter’s choice.  The workshop presentation will be recorded but not the question and answer sessions.  Recordings of the workshop will be available to purchase.  No refunds will be made but if you are unavailable for the live event you will be sent a link to the recording.  Your consent  to recording will be assumed if you attend the live event.

Date: Friday 16th April 3-5pm

Location: Online

EMDR and resources part one - resources as we understand them, including differences between adult, child, adolescent and young person resourcing. 

Presenter: John Campbell-Beattie, Accredited EMDR Consultant.

This workshop will cover: resources as we understand them, the use of resources and constant assessment, differences between adult, child, adolescent and young person resourcing.  Predominantly examining the client perspective. Developing knowledge about the development of resources from a protocol or script and understanding resources that can be discovered within the client, enhanced and put to use during and between therapy sessions.  The use of being inquisitive, asking questions as a means of constant assessment and awareness, especially with children, young people and adolescents.

Date: Friday 14th May 3-5pm

Location: Online

The use of the EMDR Recent Traumatic Episode Protocol  (R-TEP) with intensive care survivors experiencing  Post Intensive Care Syndrome

Presenter: Rachel Clarke, Accredited EMDR Consultant.

This workshop will cover: information on ICU related PTSD including the role of delirium and how EMDR can be an effective intervention and in particular the use of the R-TEP protocol with ICU COVID survivors.  There is a limited evidence base in connection with ICU related PTSD.  Clinical experience indicates that EMDR is an effective intervention targeting images, thoughts, emotions, and physical sensation and enabling reprocessing of memory that is often very disjointed and impacted by the effects of critical illness, including delirium.  Understanding how the RTEP protocol provides an effective framework for processing these experiences, particularly given that the episode can incorporate ongoing chronic health problems and a fear of re-occurrence.  Developing the understanding of how relevant EMDR is with both ICU survivors in general and with people who have experienced COVID in particular.  Increasing EMDR practitioners’ confidence in the skills they bring to this situation. 

Date: Friday 16th July 3-5pm

Location: Online

EMDR and resources part two - how to store resources.

Presenter: John Campbell-Beattie, Accredited EMDR Consultant.

This workshop will cover: how to store resources that may be thoughts, images, inner videos, sounds, smells and tastes, distancing and soothing. Therapists resources & tools, the use of measures, words and language.  Formulation, CIPOS, Flash, Levine’s body resource, and tests.  Absorption (Hoffman) Cognitive interweaves for C/A & YP, interweaves based on adapting the light stream effect and Socratic questions.   A mixture of client and therapist resources.

Booking links will be made available shortly.

 Dates for your diary - more details to be released closer to the time for each workshop:

16th April EMDR SW workshop – EMDR Resourcing 15:00-17:00.
Friday 14th May EMDR SW workshop - RTEP with covid ICU survivors 15:00-17:00 on
Friday 16th July 3-5pm EMDR SW workshop
Friday 24th September EMDR SW workshop
Friday 19th November EMDR SW workshop
Friday 21st January 2022 EMDR SW workshop and AGM

 Hi Everyone as some of you are aware we are looking to create our very own library! And I am very happy to be the new EMDR South West librarian! This might be a bit bumpy to start with, but hopefully we can iron out any difficulties as we go along! Okay, so in the first instance if you have a book or two you think you might like to add to our library mailing list than I will be collating the books ( The list will also be kept in the file section of the FB page) But please message me so I can create a list. I will update and regularly post what books are available to borrow. The borrower will need to pay all postage and this they can arrange together. Also if possible the borrower could make a donation to the association of £2

Post covid we might think of ways of dropping and picking books up? I could be the go between letting people know if the book is available and whom to contact and sending out friendly reminders if over due! Loan period, thinking around 8 weeks. But open to all thoughts and ideas ! Particularly on these practical issues!
This potentially has many layers! It allows people to read books they wouldn’t necessarily afford, t’s a great resource for learning about books members might not have heard of! It’s a nice community activity ! It’s a-bit of fundraising! We might get free books for members to review ( I will contact relevant publishers, just on the off chance!) Who doesn’t love books ! 📚 Sally


EMDR South West AGM and Workshop - an Introduction to Calm and Zoom Friday 29th January 2021 3-5pm

The workshop an Introduction to Calm and Zoom Resourcing Group will be facilitated by Alex Way, integrative therapist and an accredited EMDR Practitioner and Consultant in training. In offering an introduction to the Calm and Zoom Resourcing Group Alex will cover: the underlying principles of working short term and offering stabilising and resourcing techniques, a brief overview of the One at a Time Model (promoted by Windy Dryden) and some principles from Mental Health First Aid and Psychological First Aid.  The workshop utilizes the Calm and Zoom model to look at explaining, demonstrating and practicing stabilising and resourcing techniques and strategies. The areas covered will include: Window of Tolerance (Dr Dan Siegel), Elements Exercise, Special Place, Dual attention, Calm Kits (Psychological First Aid Kit) and letter to our future self.

As part of the AGM there will be a short report from the Treasurer and from the Chair. If anyone would like to join the committee (we are always looking for new members) please let us know either by email, messaging or say at the meeting. We would also like feedback or any thoughts on what EMDR South West can offer for the coming year.

We need fifteen members to attend to be quorate and to be able to continue to operate as a regional group.  Booking is available here:


 Justin Havens has asked us to circulate information about a webinar happening also on the 29th January - obviously the EMDR South west one is the most important however you can access this one via a recording: This webinar by the founder of the Flash Technique (Dr Phil Manfield) has been run several times in person and online, and Flash is a well established approach for use during EMDR preparation and desensitisation to reduce the SUD’s of intense traumatic memories. The webinar costs about £95 (its booked in US dollars) and includes 6 UK EMDR CPD points if you book the option with a quiz (the more expensive option $129).

The morning is recorded with myself providing Q and A support, and the US team joins for the live segment in the afternoon, which includes Dr Manfield working with challenging cases live.
To register, please use this link:
All handouts and access to the recording are available too.