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Working with the Body in EMDR Therapy Gus Murray
Saturday 15th September 2018 - 9-4.00 (lunch included)
We have extended the booking deadline to Friday 24th August - therefore the last day for booking is tomorrow
Scroll down the posts to find the booking form

Dear EMDR Colleagues

EMDR R-TEP/G-TEP training Elan Shapiro, Plymouth, Devon 22nd/23rd September.  

Please see attached: 1. EMDR R-TEP/GTEP FLYER and 

A rare and exciting opportunity to learn a powerful and effective EMDR protocol from the creator himself!  

We hope to see you there!

Please circulate this information.  Thank you!

With kind regards

Colin Brazier
Gestalt Psychotherapist & EMDR Consultant
Coordinator: Trauma Response Network South West

Booking form

Working with the Body in EMDR Therapy Gus Murray

Saturday 15th September 2018 - 9-4.00 (lunch included)

Bookings close Friday 17th August

Scroll down the posts to find the booking form