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Hi Everyone.  just to let you know that EMDR South West has just send a donation of £700 to HAP. 
So we have now donated £2,356 to charity since we started just over 2 years ago - awesome!
Recent Protocol half day seminar, Ruth Sewell and John Campbell Beattie, 5th May 09.00 until 13.00. Buckfast Abbey Conference centre.  Cost £20 including refreshments
EMDR Presentation - Early Intervention Protocol

Early EMDR intervention protocol – case study 2 patients, 2 therapists

This is an unusual case where a health professional committed a serious crime and made a video of it.  The investigating police officers were horrified and shocked by what they saw.  The early intervention protocol was used with intensive twice-weekly sessions enabling the officers to continue with the case and also recover from their experience.

This is an interactive session enabling the audience to understand the use of this protocol and have the benefit of having both officers present who are happy to share their experience and the accrued benefits from their treatment.  

Learning outcomes –

Aims: To enhance attendees’ understanding of the protocol and its use; the use and perceived benefits of intensive EMDR applications when appropriate.  Compare the administration of the standard protocol.

To enable independent questioning of two patients who were successfully treated and the affects upon them and their specialist work.

Friday 16th June at Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre 9-4.30pm - cost £65 including lunch and refreshments

Flashforwards: Confronting the Catastrophe

“Flashforwards” uses the standard EMDR protocol to target a worst case scenario event in the future. Flashforwards will be introduced and compared with the Future Template. Situations in which the use of Flashforwards might be appropriate will be explained. The procedure for the use of Flashforwards for various disorders in which there is a fear of future events (eg phobia, PTSD, OCD) will be explained together with case examples including video of both adult and child clients. Participants will work through the Assessment phase of the EMDR protocol for a future feared situation using their own material.

The aims are to:
·         Understand why, when and how to use Flashforwards in EMDR practice
·         Provide participants with the procedure for the use of Flashforwards

·         Explain and share experience of using Flashforwards
·         Describe a procedure for using Flashforwards
·         Use Flashforwards for work on own material
·         See video demonstration of Flashforwards

Learning outcomes:
As a participant you will:
·         Learn about the rationale for using Flashforwards in EMDR
·         Learn about what to consider when using this approach
·         Learn the benefits to clients
·         Be introduced to a framework for using the Flashforwards approach.

Storytelling in EMDR: Use of the ‘narrative approach’

Originated by Joan Lovett, the use of stories in EMDR processing can be very effective with young children, people with early pre-verbal trauma, those with a learning disability or communication problems. This workshop will outline the actual procedure to be followed and participants will have chance to try writing stories. Case studies will be presented and issues and pitfalls will be discussed.

The aims are to:
·         Understand why, when and how to include storytelling in EMDR practice
·         Provide participants with the skills to write stories and use these in therapy.

·         Explain and share experience of using storytelling with children of different ages
·         Describe a procedure for using storytelling
·         Practice writing stories in small groups

Learning outcomes:
As a participant you will:
·         Learn about the rationale for using storytelling in EMDR
·         Learn about what to consider when using this approach
·         Learn the benefits to clients
·         Be introduced to a framework for using the storytelling approach.

Dr Robin Logie

Robin has used EMDR for more than 20 years and is an EMDR Consultant and Facilitator. He was a member of the EMDR Association Board for nine years, was its President for three years and has been awarded Life Membership of the Association.

Robin has presented workshops on Flashforwards at regional and international conferences including the EMDR Europe conference in 2014 at Edinburgh. Together with Ad de Jongh he has published an article on Flashforwards and they have a chapter on the subject in Marilyn Luber’s latest volume of ‘Scripted Protocols’. Robin specialises in the use of EMDR for OCD with adults and children for which Flashforwards is especially relevant.

Robin works with both adults and children and has been using the storytelling approach for many years. In recent years this has been mainly with children who have been referred though the Adoption Support Fund. He is currently writing a paper on the storytelling approach.

Please note bookings close Friday 24th May or when maximum number of delegates is reached BOOKING FORM
Forthcoming event - 16th June 2017 - Dr Robin Logie Flashforwards: Confronting the Catastrophe and Storytelling in EMDR: Use of the ‘narrative approach’. Details to follow shortly