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Part 1 EMDR Europe Accredited Child Training

This training is designed for clinicians experienced in working with children and adolescents. This practical 2-day training is designed to ensure that the over-arching developmental stages of children are taken into account when utilising EMDR to ensure the correct developmental protocol is used to maximise therapeutic benefit to the child and their family  During the training, an overview of working systemically with children will be taught alongside the technical modifications of standard EMDR components by age groups (toddler, pre-school aged children, school aged children and teenagers), supported by videos of children with which the different developmental protocols are used.   In addition, practical skills such as the adaptations required in explaining EMDR to children, eliciting a safe place appropriate to the child’s age and developmental stage, stretching the window of tolerance to accommodate improved emotional regulation and examples of how children emotionally regulate differently to adults will be also taught. Finally, a brief introduction to what to do when processing becomes blocked including the use of interweaves with children and the 4-fields group protocol for children will also be shared.

This workshop will include practicums and skills-based learning to help consolidate learning and flexibility in the delivery of EMDR with children.

Children are in a constant state of chance and evolution: both physiologically, neurologically, cognitively, emotionally and socially.  Children and adolescents do not exist alone but in the context of their families, hence it is impossible to work with a child without taking the context of their system into account – whether or not the system is physically present.    The emotional and chronological age of the child needs to be taken into account in the language and the developmental protocol used in both understanding and treating the child’s difficulties from both the systemic stance as well as from the child’s own understanding of their difficulties.  In this way, working with children and their families can be seen as equally flexible and challenging.

Susan Darker-Smith - EMDR Europe Accredited Child & Adolescent Trainer

Susan is an accredited EMDR Consultant and an accredited Europe Child Trainer who works in a CAMHS team within the NHS alongside her private work.  She has been actively involved in the formation of a National Trauma Response Service in the UK offering group and early intervention EMDR for victims of National terrorist attacks and natural disasters (initially in response to children displaying trauma symptoms in the weeks following the Manchester terror attack).
Susan has a wealth of experience in working with complex and dissociative client groups and through this work, she developed an EMDR protocol for working with young people with attachment difficulties and emerging emotional unstable personality disorders.  She has lectured at a national and global level on her research and interventions in both EMDR and CBT.
Susan is currently working alongside clinicians both from a paediatric background who work with EMDR and pain and clinicians working with looked after children, to see if different protocol modifications are more effective in helping these specific client groups to recover.
Susan currently sits on the EMDR UK & Ireland child and adolescent section alongside being a Trustee of the National Trauma Response Service.   In addition to teaching the EMDR Child Trainings, Susan facilitates for the EMDR Academy and additionally teaches advanced-skills EMDR master-classes.

Eligibility to attend EMDR Europe Part 1 Child Training
In order to attend Part 1 of EMDR child training you must have attended a Part 1 and Part 2 of a basic EMDR accredited course, or the old Level 1 Accredited EMDR training. Certificate copies will be asked for as evidence of attendance. You must be working with children in your workplace and have experience of working with children,  you agreeing to this by applying for the course.
If you would like to attend please complete our online booking form
For further information about the use of EMDR with children please read the child & adolescent page from EMDR Europe

Cost £415 Price includes workshop, workshop material refreshments and lunch
13th and 14th June 2018 at Buckfast Abby Conference centre
Closing date for bookings and payments Friday 20th April. 
Places limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Please refer to terms and conditions

Booking form and terms and condtions
Dear Robin and Trauma Aid Friends,
Just confirming that emdrsw has today donated £800 (donated in my name through paypal) from Robin's recent and wonderful workshop.
Many thanks for all your splendid work.

With very best wishes from all at emdrsw Rachel, Ruth, Alex and Marcia
Friday 29th September at Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre 9-4pm

Planned Dream Interventions – An easy to teach stabilisation intervention that        can help clients stop nightmare distress and promote restful and healing sleep
by Justin Havens
Nightmares and sleep disturbance often resolve during EMDR trauma processing or can be directly targeted, but this intervention offers the opportunity to provide tools to the client to improve sleep in the first few EMDR sessions.
This workshop teaches both the intervention itself, which in EMDR terms can be described as ‘the client coming up with their own imaginal interweave for their dreams’, and also how to teach it during the early stages of therapy.  The purpose is to facilitate the healing of trauma through dream (REM sleep) processing, which is the minds natural way of dealing with trauma.  As well as benefits from improved sleep and reduced distress, successful use of this intervention reduces trauma symptoms (research data) and anecdotally makes further EMDR processing run more smoothly.
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
·         Understand the functions of sleep and dreaming, and how this relates to overcoming traumatic experiences
·         Understand the 3 steps to making a successful Planned Dream Intervention (PDI)
·         Understand the 8 principles of using the PDI approach, and how to troubleshoot problems
·         Be able to teach this approach to clients, using appropriate examples, and utilise it within a therapy session
The research trials and other applications of this approach such as an early trauma intervention will also be covered, as well as group exercises to consolidate learning.

This workshop has been awarded 3 CPD points. This is because the accreditation committee felt the workshop is clearly of interest to EMDR therapists but it is an intervention taught to non-EMDR trained therapists as well, and as such the EMDR content is not as significant as in other applications . The Accreditation Committee, therefore, has awarded the 'Planned Dream Interventions' workshop on 29/09/17 in Devon 3 CPD credits.

Following the last workshop we donated £150 to Plymouth Eating Disorders. We have now donated £2,506 to charities. Thank you all
3rd March 2017
Marcia Wallace EMDR South West Regional Group

Dear Marcia

I am writing on behalf of all Trustees to thank EMDR South west Region for your very generous donation to Trauma Aid UK. Please convey our thanks to your members. We will be mentioning this in our next newsletter. Our main focus for funds at the moment is the Middle East Project and we are planning some training in Sousse, Tunisia in May this year and hopefully in Lebanon later in the year. Your contributions will help us enormously in our aims to provide relief from trauma in this part of the world where the need is so great.

With sincere thanks,
Sian Morgan
President Trauma Aid UK
Hi Everyone.  just to let you know that EMDR South West has just send a donation of £700 to HAP. 
So we have now donated £2,356 to charity since we started just over 2 years ago - awesome!
Recent Protocol half day seminar, Ruth Sewell and John Campbell Beattie, 5th May 09.00 until 13.00. Buckfast Abbey Conference centre.  Cost £20 including refreshments
EMDR Presentation - Early Intervention Protocol

Early EMDR intervention protocol – case study 2 patients, 2 therapists

This is an unusual case where a health professional committed a serious crime and made a video of it.  The investigating police officers were horrified and shocked by what they saw.  The early intervention protocol was used with intensive twice-weekly sessions enabling the officers to continue with the case and also recover from their experience.

This is an interactive session enabling the audience to understand the use of this protocol and have the benefit of having both officers present who are happy to share their experience and the accrued benefits from their treatment.  

Learning outcomes –

Aims: To enhance attendees’ understanding of the protocol and its use; the use and perceived benefits of intensive EMDR applications when appropriate.  Compare the administration of the standard protocol.

To enable independent questioning of two patients who were successfully treated and the affects upon them and their specialist work.

Friday 16th June at Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre 9-4.30pm - cost £65 including lunch and refreshments

Flashforwards: Confronting the Catastrophe

“Flashforwards” uses the standard EMDR protocol to target a worst case scenario event in the future. Flashforwards will be introduced and compared with the Future Template. Situations in which the use of Flashforwards might be appropriate will be explained. The procedure for the use of Flashforwards for various disorders in which there is a fear of future events (eg phobia, PTSD, OCD) will be explained together with case examples including video of both adult and child clients. Participants will work through the Assessment phase of the EMDR protocol for a future feared situation using their own material.

The aims are to:
·         Understand why, when and how to use Flashforwards in EMDR practice
·         Provide participants with the procedure for the use of Flashforwards

·         Explain and share experience of using Flashforwards
·         Describe a procedure for using Flashforwards
·         Use Flashforwards for work on own material
·         See video demonstration of Flashforwards

Learning outcomes:
As a participant you will:
·         Learn about the rationale for using Flashforwards in EMDR
·         Learn about what to consider when using this approach
·         Learn the benefits to clients
·         Be introduced to a framework for using the Flashforwards approach.

Storytelling in EMDR: Use of the ‘narrative approach’

Originated by Joan Lovett, the use of stories in EMDR processing can be very effective with young children, people with early pre-verbal trauma, those with a learning disability or communication problems. This workshop will outline the actual procedure to be followed and participants will have chance to try writing stories. Case studies will be presented and issues and pitfalls will be discussed.

The aims are to:
·         Understand why, when and how to include storytelling in EMDR practice
·         Provide participants with the skills to write stories and use these in therapy.

·         Explain and share experience of using storytelling with children of different ages
·         Describe a procedure for using storytelling
·         Practice writing stories in small groups

Learning outcomes:
As a participant you will:
·         Learn about the rationale for using storytelling in EMDR
·         Learn about what to consider when using this approach
·         Learn the benefits to clients
·         Be introduced to a framework for using the storytelling approach.

Dr Robin Logie

Robin has used EMDR for more than 20 years and is an EMDR Consultant and Facilitator. He was a member of the EMDR Association Board for nine years, was its President for three years and has been awarded Life Membership of the Association.

Robin has presented workshops on Flashforwards at regional and international conferences including the EMDR Europe conference in 2014 at Edinburgh. Together with Ad de Jongh he has published an article on Flashforwards and they have a chapter on the subject in Marilyn Luber’s latest volume of ‘Scripted Protocols’. Robin specialises in the use of EMDR for OCD with adults and children for which Flashforwards is especially relevant.

Robin works with both adults and children and has been using the storytelling approach for many years. In recent years this has been mainly with children who have been referred though the Adoption Support Fund. He is currently writing a paper on the storytelling approach.

Please note bookings close Friday 24th May or when maximum number of delegates is reached BOOKING FORM
Forthcoming event - 16th June 2017 - Dr Robin Logie Flashforwards: Confronting the Catastrophe and Storytelling in EMDR: Use of the ‘narrative approach’. Details to follow shortly
EMDR Training
message from Matthew Wesson
Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist (BABCP 070148)
EMDR Europe Accredited Trainer and Consultant
We are launching another Accredited EMDR Training in Exeter for 2017 starting this March (14-16th).
If you are interested please contact Matt directly on 07968 960683, 01829 732721 or
The Stress & Trauma Centre Ltd

 The EMDR Academy
EMDR for Persistent Pain - Helen Macdonald Chartered Psychologist in Health, Accredited Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Trainer, Consultant in EMDR. Independent Practitioner and senior lecturer, University of Sheffield

PLEASE NOTE EARLY BIRD ENDS ON 27TH January - IF YOU INTEND TO ATTEND PLEASE BOOK. Booking form is attached to the earlier post

Date: Monday 20th February 2016
Location: Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre
Duration of Event: 9.00-4.30pm
6 CPD points awarded