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Dear Colleague,
I am planning an EMDR Refresher Day in East Devon on February 2nd next year, and wondered if it might be of interest to you?
Do let me know,
Kind regards,
John Spector
Consultant Clinical Psychologist

EMDR Europe Accredited Trainer
EMDR for persistent pain

Date: Monday 20th February 2016
Location: Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre
Duration of Event: 9.00-4.30pm

•           Aims:
o          Enhancing understanding of processes and theories
o          Options for interventions with different protocols
o          How to engage the client
o          How to build resources and assist in stabilisation
o          Sharing case experiences
o          How to work with EMDR to target the impact of pain
This will be achieved using presentation, discussion, demonstration, practice and small group exercises.

The workshop is aimed at giving an overview of using EMDR for the treatment of chronic pain.

There will be an introduction to understanding pain using an adaptive information processing model; an overview of current protocols available for working with persistent pain; discussion on engagement, stabilisation and complexity. There will be opportunities to discuss and practice skills using vignettes as well as participants’ own case examples and experience.
People experiencing persistent pain and other long term health conditions often experience a number of difficulties; with an impact which is pervasive and often disabling to the individual and those around them. The workshop will focus on targeting the impact of pain, although reduction in pain level can be achieved for some clients.

Helen Macdonald Chartered Psychologist in Health, Accredited Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Trainer, Consultant in EMDR. Independent Practitioner and senior lecturer, University of Sheffield

Helen Macdonald has over 30 years’ experience working in Mental Health, both in NHS and independent practice. Specialising in working with persistent pain, long term health conditions and complex trauma, she uses EMDR to promote pain management and resource building.Booking Form EMDR and Persistent Pain