Title of Event: ‘Going wrong with EMDR? And what about
Presenter: John Campbell-Beattie PhD (Accredited EMDR
Date: Fri 13th November 2015
Location: Buckfast Abbey Conference centre
Duration of Event: 9.00-13.00
Aims: To enhance attendees’ understanding of common errors
in the administration of the standard protocol and their effect on satisfactory
processing. Discuss dilemma around
providing therapy in the context of court proceedings. Encourage attendees to seek accreditation and
advance the EMDR genre.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the workshop attendees will
have learned about common errors that have effects on EMDR processing. There
are over 100 common errors in the administration of the standard protocol. This
is an interactive session to identify common mistakes that are made in the
application of EMDR. Encourage and identify the benefits of EMDR
Accreditation. Discuss good practice in
relation to therapy in the context of court proceedings.
Teaching Methodology / Format: interactive presentation and
Target Audience: EMDR practitioners, consultants and those
seeking accreditation
How will this event develop EMDR practice? It will give EMDR
practitioners a better understanding of common mistakes and remind consultants
and supervisors for better teaching and supervision. Provide a forum for sharing good practice in
relation to individuals going through court processes. Encourage and identify the benefits of
accreditationGoing wrong with EMDR? And what about accreditation booking form