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Up-date on fundraising

Just to let you know that EMDR South West has raised £350 for Children's Storehouse, John's chosen charity.  Thank you to John for or giving your time and energy so generously and to all of those who attended for donating your money!

We have donated £1,656 to local, national and international charities since we started last year.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed in whatever way.

Forthcoming events - EMDR , Complex Trauma and Disassociation

EMDR , Complex Trauma and Disassociation -Maeve Crowley , Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Europe Approved EMDR Consultant Supervisor.

Saturday 27 February 2016  9-4.30 pm
Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre

Aims: 1.To understand Dissociation and how it presents throughout the Dissociative spectrum
          2. To understand the 3 phases of treatment for Complex PTSD
          3.  To explore how EMDR can be used with this client group

Learning Outcomes: 1. Participants will learn about dissociation and how it presents 
                                  2. Apply EMDR in the 3 phases treatment for Complex PTSD
                                  3. Explore the use of Resources using EMDR
                                  4. Work with parts using EMDR

Workshop is suitable for all EMDR practioners working with Complex Trauma and Dissociative Disorders. It will enable clinicians to work confidently with this client group and get clarification around safe practice.

All proceeds will be donated to a nominated charity

Forthcoming Events - Working with veterans using EMDR

Friday 22nd April 9-4.30
Working with Veterans using EMDR
Matthew Wesson (EMDR Europe Accredited Trainer and Consultant)
Early bird £60

All events will be held at Buckfast Abbey conference Centre.  The cost for all day events includes lunch and refreshments.  All proceeds will be donated to nominated charities.

Working with Veterans using EMDR


This workshop aims to provide practical ideas for understanding and working with military personnel and veterans. The workshop will address the special characteristics and culture of this population and how to adapt EMDR accordingly, with an emphasis on assessment, formulation and forming a strong collaborative alliance.

Matthew has had extensive experience of working with this client group, and will use his engaging presentation style along with interactive tasks and video material to help attendees improve their skills and confidence in this area.


       The day will be a lively mixture of teaching, interactive exercises and video material
       It will cover relevant research around military mental health and EMDR.
       Clinical obstacles and therapy techniques to help engage this sometimes-challenging population into treatment.
       The day will discuss risk and protective factors of military culture and how they impact on treatment, history taking and ideas of conceptualisations.
       Preparation, engagement and use of military specific resources will be highlighted, and blocks to and during processing will be viewed.
       The course is suitable for all levels of experience and previous knowledge of military or veteran clients is not necessary

Workshop Outline

Myths, Facts and the Research around Military Mental Health
Military cultural issues
EMDR and combat related PTSD
Engaging the military/veteran client
Tailoring EMDR to this client group
Utilising resources

Previous feedback on this workshop: 

‘Excellent’, ‘Lots of new ideas’, ‘Great presenter’, ‘Clear and credible’, ‘Very good indeed’, ‘Clear delivery and a good case examples’, ‘Very interesting’, ‘Lively and credible’, ‘Well delivered and organised’, ‘Lots of interesting ideas I can relate to veterans work, and working with Police, Prison Officers etc’…plus many more postive comments.

Biography for Matthew Wesson
Matthew Wesson is an EMDR Europe Accredited Trainer and Consultant, and has been using EMDR within his clinical work for over 15 years. He is also a BABCP Accredited CBT therapist.  He works as an independent practitioner, supervisor and trainer.  Previous to that he served in the Armed Forces for 21 years delivering mental health care to serving military personnel across the UK and also including tours of Iraq and Afghanistan. He has had several articles published in peer-reviewed journals on both CBT and EMDR, and has presented at international conferences.  He has a particular interest in combat related PTSD and military mental health.  He lives in Cheshire with his young family.

Booking form booking form

Since its first workshop EMDR South West has delivered 4 half day and one whole day workshops - offering a total of 18 CP points and donated over £1,300 to charity including £436 to H
Thank you to everyone who made it possible
We have one half day and two day workshops booked between now and next spring - offering 15 CPD points in total and raising more money for donation to selected charities - so there is lots still to come.
Offers of help/workshops (particularly for the second part of 2016) gratefully received.
Please see the blog and facebook group for up-dates.

Title of Event: ‘Going wrong with EMDR? And what about accreditation?

Presenter: John Campbell-Beattie PhD (Accredited EMDR Consultant)

Date: Fri 13th November 2015

Location: Buckfast Abbey Conference centre

Duration of Event: 9.00-13.00

Aims: To enhance attendees’ understanding of common errors in the administration of the standard protocol and their effect on satisfactory processing.  Discuss dilemma around providing therapy in the context of court proceedings.  Encourage attendees to seek accreditation and advance the EMDR genre.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the workshop attendees will have learned about common errors that have effects on EMDR processing. There are over 100 common errors in the administration of the standard protocol. This is an interactive session to identify common mistakes that are made in the application of EMDR. Encourage and identify the benefits of EMDR Accreditation.  Discuss good practice in relation to therapy in the context of court proceedings.

Teaching Methodology / Format: interactive presentation and discussion

Target Audience: EMDR practitioners, consultants and those seeking accreditation

How will this event develop EMDR practice? It will give EMDR practitioners a better understanding of common mistakes and remind consultants and supervisors for better teaching and supervision.  Provide a forum for sharing good practice in relation to individuals going through court processes.   Encourage and identify the benefits of accreditationGoing wrong with EMDR? And what about accreditation booking form
Soon to be announced second workshop for cognitive interweaves.  Date to be confirmed as yet but it will probably be in October.  Alex suggests that people practise some of the suggestions in the PowerPoint and come to the second day with notes concerning the responses.  The second workshop could then include more role play and experiential work.
Title of Event: The Neurobiology of EMDR Therapy
Facilitator Derek Farrell
Date: Saturday 12th September 2015
Location: Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre
Duration of Event: 9.30am – 4.30pm
Aims: EMDR Therapy is an empirically supported psychological treatment intervention for PTSD (WHO, 2013). Its theoretical framework is an Adaptive Information Processing Model which acknowledges the brains natural information processing systems and the impact that trauma has in creating dysfunctional memory networks. It are these dysfunctional memories that are the primary focus of EMDR Therapy. Increasing evidence supports the effectiveness of EMDR Therapy with a range of mental health and psychological conditions. But what is the neurobiological basis for EMDR Therapy and its apparent effectiveness. This workshop will explore some of the key aspects involved highlight why EMDR Therapy is structured in the way it is, why dysfunctional memories are dysfunctional, and why they are adaptable to change.
Learning Outcomes: 1. Develop an understanding of the neurobiology of Trauma and EMDR Therapy
2. To consider the application of the AIP framework with other clinical populations other than PTSD
3. To explore the global burden of psychological trauma and the future development of EMDR Therapy
Teaching Methodology / Format: Mixed didactic and skills development
Target Audience: EMDR practitioners and those in training in the NHS, private and military settings.
6 CPD points awarded
Cognitive interweaves booking form
Neurobiology of EMDR booking form

Using Cognitive Interweaves in EMDR: How, when, how and why to use them
Presenter: Dr Alexandra Button, Consultant EMDR
Date: Monday 6th July
Location: Buckfast Abbey, Devon
Duration of Event: 3 hours (9am – 12pm)...
Aims: To enhance attendees’ understanding of the use of cognitive interweaves including process, relational and content interweaves such that they will more readily be able to keep clients within the ‘window of tolerance’ when processing and intervene effectively when processing is blocked or looping.
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the workshop attendees will have learned more about what cognitive interweaves are and where good cognitive interweaves come from, new techniques, ideas and specific types of interweaves to use to better facilitate processing with clients who under or over access trauma material when processing.
Teaching Methodology / Format: Combination of lecture, generating discussion, and learning from examples using videos and role play.
Target Audience: Any EMDR practitioners
It will give EMDR practitioners a better understanding of what cognitive interweaves are, how, when and why they are used in EMDR processing. Attendees will learn a broader repertoire of interweaves to choose from in order to facilitate blocked or looped processing. It will also enhance practitioners’ ability to work with more complex clients who under and over access trauma material.

Booking Forms

Below are downloadable booking forms for upcoming EMDR South West events. If the booking form you need is not here, please use the blank booking form and fill in the relevant details yourself. 

Blank Booking Form 2015

EMDR and Psychosis booking form 22/05/15

Going wrong with EMDR? Booking form